Self - Love

Self - Love

Being as it's that time of year, where love hearts and red roses are everywhere, in the spirit of Valentines Day It's important not to forget who's the most important! YOU! You deserve to love yourself and take care of yourself and prioritise number uno! Let's not forget that you don't need a significant other to love and spoil this Valentines Day, spoil yourself and love you!

With that in mind, I thought I'd share some self-love and self-care tips that you can do to spoil and treat yourself this Valentines season!

1.  Have a chilled and relaxing, do absolutely nothing day! 

- Get your favourite and comfy pjs on, get a nice cuppa or hot choc, some snacks and sit infront of the TV all day. Have a Netflix or a Now TV day and snuggle in your dressing gown or with a blanket and enjoy doing nothing!

2. Have your favourite dinner!

- Whether that's take out or made by you, have your favourite meal and enjoy it! P.s don't forget to drink plenty of water alongside your wine ;) to keep hydrated! Self-love remember!

3. Have a good old pamper evening!

- Run a hot bath (or a shower), get yourself a bath bomb (my faves are Lush of course) and grab all your favourite skincare and hair-care products.

Some of my favourite products include;

In the bath
- Lush Mint Bubble Brush
- Radox 12hr Scent Touch (they all smell amazing!)
- Zoella Moisturising Solid Bath Oil

Out the bath
- The body shop - Almond Milk & Honey Body Butter

- Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Cleanser
- Body Shop - Chinese & Ginseng Rice Clarifying Polishing Mask
- Body Shop - Chinese & Ginseng Rice Milky Toner

4. Ice - cream. Need I say anymore, really?

5. Read a book! 

- Kick back with a book, maybe one you've been meaning to read for a while and just zone out from your worries and stresses! It works wonders, believe me!

6. Finally, just get a good night sleep! 

- Have an early night and enjoy a relaxing and well needed early sleep!

Keep in touch with me and see how I'm doing over on social media


Twitter: @LittleMissAnon2   |


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