February Goals | 2019
February Goals 2019
Hey guys, so, so sorry for the late post. However, fear no more, I'm here with my February Goals for 2019!
January Round Up!
Now, as promised, I'm going to do a quick January round up for you all!
As far as my goals for January, I've not been the best, to say the least.
First off, with regards to my driving test theory, I've started revising, however, the revision has been to a bare minimum. I have actually downloaded the theory app, which is a start I guess and better than nothing, however I didn't book it. Oops, my bad! Second of all, I haven't started my driving lessons either! Lets just say, in the middle of January I lost my motivation and as a result, I just haven't yet booked any lessons. My New Years Resolutions aren't off to the best start aye?
However, rest assured, I have in fact been exercising significantly more than I ever have before. It isn't a lot, but more than I have done before. I found a few exercise plans on Pinterest which I've been following, and using a mix of stretch routines, cardio and yoga routines to plan out my workouts for the week. I can share in the foreseeable future if you guys are interested, so just leave me a comment to let me know!
Also, I've been drinking a lot more water on a daily basis as well as eating slightly better. Don't get me wrong I still haven't got my day to day, healthy eating down to a T yet, however, I've been eating more fruits and veggies along with better snack choices and just healthier meal options in general. It's not the best, I'm not quite Niomi Smart yet, but to put it into perspective, lets just say it's been a while since I've had a McDonald's!
Moving swiftly onto my February goals for 2019!
1) Continue with my exercising & healthier eating!
- So, like I said previously, I'm happy right now with how I'm managing to exercise a few times a week at home and my healthier eating journey currently. So as of February, I want to concentrate and work on continuing with how things have been going so I don't push myself too much I just give up.
2) Blog more!
- My aim is to upload at least one blog post a week, so lets see how I get on with that for now!
3) Finish reading my book!
- I've recently started reading The Tattooist of Auschwitz. I've had the book for a while, yet I've never gotten past the first chapter, just because I don't pick up books anymore like I used to despite my love for reading! So, it may not sound big but I really want to finish it this month because it honestly is interesting, well the start is anyway, and I've wanted to read it for the longest time!
Keep in touch with me and see how I'm doing over on social media
Twitter: @LittleMissAnon2 | https://twitter.com/LittleMissAnon2
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