Launching Little Miss Anon
Hello my lovelies and welcome to my own little online escape destination, aka Little Miss Anon!
The purpose of my so called "online escape destination" is to give myself a place where I can ramble on about pretty much anything and escape the realities that I call my life. I apologise, I realise that sounds really quite tragic, and as if I should have quoted it from a book, but no, I came up with that all by myself with my own little brain. Clever me huh? :)Anyway, yes you guessed it...I have decided to blog anonymously so I can write about whatever I want, when I want and how I want. I just personally prefer the idea of blogging anonymously, rather than having my whole identity exposed to the world wide web! Blogging anonymously in my opinion will allow me to express my thoughts and opinions with more depth, without the fear of exposure and embarrassment. Sorry, I'm just that type of person I suppose.
My main goal is to make Little Miss Anon an all around sort of blog. I'm aiming to post a variety of things on my blog, ranging from lifestyle posts, to beauty posts and a lot more!
I do have quite the passion for beauty and hair, as do I also enjoy sharing my top tips, life experiences and also my future dreams and aspirations. Basically, what I am trying to say is that expect to see a lot of beauty, hair, tips and tricks and lifestyle posts along with some others!
The purpose of this post was not only to just introduce myself, and give you all an insight into my passions, but also to launch my very own little blog. Little Miss Anon is something I want to create and turn into a place on the internet that people continuously return to each week for the next post.
This is my own little sort of diary or journal if you like, where I can just write about what ever I want to, but also a place where I also hope people will come to to look for inspiration, thoughts, help and opinions and even advice when the need it. So again, expect to see hauls, first impressions, reviews, advice, tips and tricks, day in the life's and lots of other different posts.
I hope you enjoyed reading my not so short introduction to the launch of Little Miss Anon. I honestly can't wait to share my next post with you all! I love you guys!!!
Chat with me, I want to get to know you guys!
Twitter: littlemissanon_1
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