Transition from College to University

College to University

This post is all about the transition from college to university, what to expect and everything you need to know based on my personal experience!

Obviously we all know going to university from college is going to be challenging and hard for some of us, but from being a college student to a university student, honestly it is an absolutely huge culture shock. One that I don't think I ever could've been prepared for. It's a transition you've just got to deal with and embrace because trust me when I say, it'll be the best experience ever when you do.

Here are just a few of the key differences in being a college student to a university student;

1.You are in this on your own.

You're basically being thrown into adulthood, straight into the deep end. You don't get to go home to everything already done for you anymore, you have no help, got to fend for yourself and you better get your self domesticated.

Making appointments for yourself, shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing your clothes; Literally everything all by yourself. It's really a breathe of fresh air once you've gotten used to it but to start with it can be very daunting and over whelming, as if just being a university student wasn't enough to begin with.

But you got this!!

2. Work load

I'm not going to lie, I didn't work as hard, or focus and concentrate as much as I should've during my first year but now it's sunk in that this is it. My chance at a degree and I'm going to work as hard as I can for it. Education is the one thing no one can take away from you!

So get prepared early (blog post coming soon), buy all the things you need,  start reading, researching and making a few notes before you start, make yourself a plan of action. Anything really to keep you motivated and on top of your game so you can succeed and make the most out of this experience you're about to embark upon.

Believe me, there is a lot to do. Make sure to attend all your lectures and seminars, there aren't many but believe me when I tell you they are absolutely essential if you want to pass. Make sure you do the reading assigned, make notes and keep on top of organising your notes and revision materials. Summarise your notes at the end of the lecture/day/week, whenever you can as soon as you can to keep it in your mind.

If you lose focus and motivation, just remember why you're there. 

3. Finances

Before you go anywhere, try to save some money for the beginning of the year, especially for freshers. Although these student nights are meant to be cheap, believe me 2 weeks of it is an expensive game and student finance doesn't always cover it. So if you can, try get a summer job before you go and get a head start!

Sort out a student bank account, your college should've advised and educated you on the different banks and their offers already but if not a quick google search will serve you well. But avoid credit cards if you can, you don't need one!

Lastly, be sensible with your money as much as you can. Set a weekly, monthly, yearly budget if needs be but it's so easy to waste your money on food and unnecessary clothing shopping trips etc. 
My tip is if you can handle it and your timetable allows it, try and get a part time job for extra money and to take the pressure of financial difficulty and struggle away

4. Maintaining relationships

If you're moving away from home to go to university then you've obviously got to leave people behind. Your family, friends, a pet etc and it can be an awful feeling and make you not want to go. Surpass these feelings as much as you can because they aren't going anywhere, they're only a phone call away, even if it is hard to just let go over your head.

However, once you get to university it's inevitable to meet new people and make new friends that you will probably be friends with for life. But don't forget everyone you left behind at home, make sure to stay in contact with them, especially your friends at home.

5. Freedom / Identity

Moving to university is literally all about meeting new people, building a future and a career for yourself, almost like building a new life. It's easy to pretend to be someone you aren't or to act like something you're not to either fit in or make new friends and feel apart of the university society and community.

Stay true to yourself, be who you are and channel that in everything you do. Keep your identity true to you and let yourself grow and develop even more, for bigger and better things but don't lose yourself and change yourself to fit in.

University is a place to find who you are, not changing who you are.

Be yourself, you are enough and you will get the most out of this incredible experience you're about to encounter!


Going to university can be scary and daunting, an experience you might not be ready for or aware of. But I promise you will be fine. 

You've so got this!

If you have any questions my socials are linked at the end of this post, or feel free to leave a comment!

I have way more university / student posts coming your way, as well as some beauty and lifestyle posts.

My August favourites are coming Sunday including some beauty, hair-care, skincare and miscellaneous stuff in there! So make sure to check back at 6pm Sunday night!


Instagram @ LittleMissHolly99 | 

Twitter - @LilMissHol99 | 

P.S. Keep up to date with my new Short Story I'm currently writing over on Wattpad, called -
'The Daily Struggles of Amelia Miller' 
I just uploaded Chapter 1! 

Don't forget to leave any comments, questions or feedback for me & I'll get back to you!

I'd love to hear from you! Lots of Love XoXo


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