
Showing posts from December, 2018

My New Years Resolutions | 2019

New Years Resolutions|2019 H i my lovelies! Just a little post to share with you and to keep track of my personal goals for 2019! It's just my way of recording my goals and keeping note of my achievements and aims for this year that I can monitor and actually feeling motivated all through the year to achieve what I wanted to achieve in 2019! Start scrap-booking and print off more pictures: - Too many pictures in this day and age get lost on phones.It's time to start printing them and doing things with them consistently. Don't get me wrong I do print some off every known and again when I think about it, but there are so many lovely pictures on my phone that go onto social media and just stay there. I think I'm going to invest in a handheld Bluetooth printer like the HP Sprockets or the new Polaroid Zip Instant Mobile Printer. Pass my driving test: - Now, I kind of don't care if it takes me all year but I really need to get my butt into gear and pass my...

I'm Back!

Sooo.... I'm back people and I'm so ready to start blogging again! I've finally found the courage and motivation to start my blog back up and give it my all to make this blog successful! After all, I did start this blog so I can write about and share the things I love and share my experiences, tips and just general opinions and life advice. I am currently studying law as a first year student at De Montfort University in Leicester which I started in September, so expect a lot of university and course related posts. My blog will still have the same style of content but will be varied in topics and I will be aiming to post frequently, however, I haven't yet decided how frequently and when they will be published.  A variety of posts are currently in the works for the foreseeable future. Some of these will include university posts, as stated previous, beauty, skincare, hair care, lifestyle and maybe even some fitness and travel posts. My first blog post is well und...