How To: Oreo Cupcakes Recipe

Hello Lovelies, I hope you are all doing well!

Today's post as you can already tell by the title is my version of Oreo Cupcakes. I have the ingredients and step by step guidance on how I make them but you can totally play around with the recipe if you want to double the amount you get out of the mixture or even half it.

I hope you all have a go at making these, they taste insanely good!

Ingredients for the Cake Batter
100g Butter
100g Caster Sugar
100g Self Raising Flour
2 eggs
Oreos (roughly half a pack)
1/2-3/4 Bar of Chocolate

Ingredients for the Butter cream
140g Butter
280g Icing Sugar
1-2tbsp milk
Oreos (to decorate)

1. First of all make sure to pre-heat your oven to Gas Mark 6/200 Degrees/ 400 Fahrenheit and put cake cases into your cupcake tin.

2. Next you want to melt your chocolate ready to put in the mixture later on. I normally use a microwave for this in 20 second intervals and stirring it each time but you could also use a double boiler if you wanted. The amount of chocolate you use is up to you, but don't use too much else your cupcakes won't cook.  At this point it's a good idea to crush up at least half a pack of Oreo's to put in the mixture later on too, just make sure there aren't too many big chunks. Be sure to crush them up into they resemble tiny pieces of rubble.

3. Now to make the cake batter (I did this by hand but you could use a mixer to make life easier if you wish). First mix together the butter and sugar until they are both well combined and a pale yellow colour.

4. When you've achieved a pale yellow colour from mixing the butter and sugar together, crack both eggs into a cup or a jug and mix them together. Add an egg one at a time and mix it all together at the same time.

5. Next you want to mix in the melted chocolate with your cake batter until it's well combined.

6. After you want to mix in your flour until the mixture thickens up slightly and lightly mix in the crushed up Oreo's.

7. Now spoon your tasty Oreo cake batter into your cake cases and put them in the oven for about 20-25 minutes. You'll know they are done when you insert a toothpick in the centre and it comes out clean with no wet cake batter on it.

8. When your cupcakes are done take them out of the oven and leave them to cool down completely, and in the mean time you can make the butter cream.

9. To make the butter cream I always soften the butter and mix it until it's really soft and mushy and then I add the icing sugar bit by bit. I would avoid putting all the icing sugar in together else you'll end up with a huge mess, I add it in a third at a time. If it's too thick then add a tablespoon of milk or two, if it needs it. Make sure the consistency isn't too runny or too thick, in the middle is perfect.

10. Now you want to put your butter cream into a zip lock bag or in an icing bag and put it in the fridge until you are ready to decorate your cupcakes. Putting it in the fridge for it awhile allows it to firm up slightly.

11. After about half an hour to three quarters of an hour your cupcakes should be cooled completely. Now it's time to decorate them, Yum!

12. Snip the end of the bottom of your zip lock bag, or attach the nozzle of your piping bag and pipe your cupcakes however you want. Be creative!

13. Finally you're cupcakes are iced and ready for more Oreo's! More you say? Yes! Absolutely more Oreo's!!
Cut about 6-8 Oreo's in half (depending on how many cupcakes you have) and place a half of an Oreo on top of the butter cream and you have your delicious Oreo tasting cupcakes! Yummy yummy!

14. The final and last step is to get a cupcake, a cup of tea and watch some TV! Maybe the Great British Bake Off ;) and Enjoy my loves!

I hope you make these, If you do be sure to let me know in the comments what you think of them.
If you make these tag me in a picture on Twitter or Instagram!

Lots of Love!

CHECK OUT MY WATTPAD BOOK - Justin Bieber Imagines for all you Beliebers out there ;) 

Chat with me, I want to get to know you guys!

Instagram: littlemissanon_1


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