My Bucket List!
Hey lovelies, this is My Bucket List which I want to complete in my life time. Some of them are smaller and realistic shall we say but some of them are adventurous and dreams of mine to accomplish! I will keep updating it as I go along and maybe be able to tick some of! Enjoy :) 1. Visit Paris - this includes going shopping, going to the top of the Eiffel Tower and just experiencing the lifestyle of French people. Going to Paris is my number one dream, it looks stunningly beautiful and it's the one thing on my bucket list I aim to accomplish! 2. Get my drivers license. Hopefully this shouldn't be too impossible, i'm 17 in January so I can start then! 3. Experience life in Africa and go on an African Safari, I imagine it to be an insane experience and a beautiful safari. 4. Visit Australia 5. Visit New York - at Christmas or New Years Eve - basically whenever I get the chance to! 6. Go on a drunken holiday with my bestfriend, whether that be in the UK or abroad, ...